UK-based abstract artist and educator, Sara Downham-Lotto founded Arts Lab in 2016. She has a background in Fine Art, Art History, Social Enterprise and more recently, Peace Studies.
Sara set up the Lab as a consolidation of over 35 years exhibiting, curating and facilitating art in higher education institutions and communities in the UK and abroad. Passionate about social transformation and bringing people together through the arts, she wanted to co-create with artists and creative participants an organic model for changemakers across broad-ranging communities and organisations.
In 2022, Sara went to Senegal for 6 months for artist residencies in Saint Louis and Dakar, and to run a project with talibé children. These experiences inspired a natural transition into the field of Peace and Conflict.
She then went on to study for a Masters in Peace, Resilience and Social Justice at the University of Bradford, completed in 2023. Sara’s dissertation, Contributions of Contemporary Visual Art to Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation, has shaped this latest iteration of Arts Lab as a platform supporting the field more specifically. Significantly influential was also a placement in Rwanda last year where she was invited to run a multi-disciplinary Visual Arts for Peace programme for students of Peace and Conflict Studies, together with a workshop for survivors of genocide. Finally, in this vocational ‘odyssey’ Sara owes much to the writings and wisdoms of peacebuilder and scholar, John Paul Lederach.