01/02/2021 – 08/03/2021
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Online via Zoom
For adult complete beginners, those who’ve had art in their lives and want more or anyone feeling adventurous to try something new …. free up your creativity with abstract artist Sara Downham-Lotto who guides you in playful explorations with mixed media and art history.
Making Mondays is a weekly online drawing, painting and collage course of 6 workshops lead by UK abstract artist, Sara Downham-Lotto. Sara shares with you new approaches to seeing, thinking about and making art, encouraging you to develop your own unique style.
Working with a range of materials, you will be guided in playful explorations, creating beautiful, individual pieces of artwork. Each week, we will focus on a different theme, referencing examples of other artists. As the course develops, we will explore colour and composition, line and mark making, collage and layering, texture and surface pattern.
This is a great chance to meet people online from far and wide, enjoy building creative confidence and expand your horizons.
To find out more about this online workshop, follow the link to the event page here.