Art in the Woods
Art in the Woods
Date & Time
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Arts Lab this spring is hosting outdoor art sessions at the Glade in South Devon, as part of the Woods for Wellness programme of Woodland Presents’ community wellbeing services.
The recent crisis has exposed more than ever, growing issues of mental health in our communities. Creativity is a fantastic tool to help people feel more connected, motivated to make positive changes and inspired to build a sense of purpose and meaning into daily existence.
The activities always start by providing an open, non-judgemental environment in which to express and create freely with the guidance of a professional artist. This sets the stage to help:
• reduce levels of anxiety and a sense of isolation
• boost confidence and provide a voice
• strengthen community and friendship connections
What we will do
Explore the woods through creative making together. Using our surroundings as both inspiration and a place to find objects to create art with, we will make woodland sculptures, draw and paint a giant and collaborative piece of art. This is a great way to free up your creativity, reconnect in a naturally therapeutic woodland setting.
Everyone can take home with them their own drawings, a section of the collaboratively-made artwork and photographs of the sculptures (if you bring your cameras/ phones with you). Materials & Equipment provided.
Who for
Any groups/ individuals over 7 years old (children must be accompanied by an adult). Please come dressed appropriately – in other words, not your ‘Sunday best’. Imagination essential!
Saturday 15th May 2021
10.30am – 12.30pm
The Glade, North Woods, Dartington, Totnes TQ9 6NS. Travel and Parking details here.
This is a free community activity by the Woods for Wellness project. Please consider making a donation for materials (£5 – £10pp) and help support the Woods for Wellness project so we can continue offering free wellness activities to the community. DONATE HERE and pass on some wellness to others.
Booking & Information
Please contact Sylvie – sylvie@thewoodland.co*protected email*
Limited numbers. Sessions will follow Covid related guidelines.