Shared Worlds
Shared Worlds
Date & Time
01/06/2021 - 27/10/2021
All Day
An exhibition of collaboratively created artwork by Prisoners at HMP Dartmoor and abstract artist Sara Downham-Lotto.
Over the last couple of years, a group of 10 male prisoners at HMP Dartmoor and artist Sara Downham-Lotto have collaborated to produce a body of work for display both inside and outside the prison establishment. The project, organised by Arts Lab – in partnership with HMP Dartmoor and funded by the National Lottery Community Fund – is called The Great Prison Art Exchange.
All 26 artworks on this exhibition were begun in artist-run workshops inside the prison, with the aim of helping to improve the mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable inmates. During their fortnightly sessions (pre-Covid), participants were encouraged to be in the moment and enjoy the creative process exploring and experimenting with a variety of art mediums and materials. Locked up so much of the time with scant opportunity, if any, for creative expression, the freedom that working in the abstract genre affords, results in an eagerness to get stuck in and have fun.
Dartmoor National Park Visitor Centre, Tavistock Road, Princetown, Devon PL20 6QF
1st June-13th October 2021
Open daily: 10am-4pm